If you're into documentaries, this one's worth a watch. If you're not, this one will convert you! Ciudad de Dios is an award-winning movie that takes a closer look at the lives of those on society's margins. It reveals the poverty, struggles and hope of those living on the streets of Mexico City and deepens your understanding about what it means to be a human being. Every day we hear about a new tragedy happening in some far off place or other country - an earthquake here, a tsunami there - but somehow it never feels very real. We rarely hear the voice of the people affected by it. And when we do, their story is usually told in sound bites by a news reporter or in a short journal entry on the internet. Ciudad de Dios goes beyond this by providing a first-hand account of what it means to be at the bottom rung on society's ladder and presents us with a way out for those who have been dehumanized by our own indifference. This movie examines not just the lives of those who live on the streets of Mexico City, but also those around them whose lives have been indelibly altered as a result of their existence. The relationship between all these characters and the struggles they face is what makes Ciudad de Dios such a compelling movie. The filmmaker takes us beyond the surface and reveals to us a profound human story. The movie opens with a group of young men drinking in a small bar in a neighborhood that seems worlds away from the capital city of Mexico. The music, the clothes, even their expressions reveal that they are from a much poorer place - one where people struggle to make ends meet. These are faces you would never see walking down Gran Vía, an upscale shopping district in downtown Mexico City. Yet here they are together sharing laughs and smiles over beers and rum. This is a society full of many different faces. On the night this scene was filmed a thief stole a man's wallet and ID card. Suddenly he realized he'd been robbed by a homeless man, but because the victim didn't have his ID card, the police believed him to be a criminal and promptly arrested him instead. The thief went on to commit other crimes that evening - mugging another man and then stealing his car. He was also arrested that evening, but not before being able to steal from yet another person. In addition to being arrested, the thief shot another man during one of these crimes before fleeing from police into the areas where many of those featured in Ciudad de Dios live. This is an area called the "Colonia Digna de María de Jesús". It's one of the poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods in Mexico City. You can see from the quality of their homes that most residents have been there for a long time. Most have been born there, many still live with their parents, and many others have been forced to move due to water leaks caused by anyone who has ever lived there before them as well as a lack of running water. This place is a war zone between rivaling drug cartels. Yet despite the danger, Ciudad de Dios is where you will find many of those featured in this movie living with little concern for their safety.
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